Frequently Asked Questions

A: Our site allows you to have a fine-grained control over importance of any search criteria and considers that there may be no perfect matches. Sometimes, there may be no schools, which fit all what you want. In such cases we show you top, though imperfect matches. We also show you the information regarding what matched and what does not.

A: Clicking on match result icons sorts by a chosen match result. Clicking on Safety – Target – Reach allows to you sort by safety, then by target, and then by reach. Just try clicking on any icon and see what happens!

A: If you know what you want to study, then we suggest that you first limit the schools by Program & Major. Some of the majors may be offered only by a very small number of schools. In such cases it may be nearly impossible to match them by other filters and you will either see many individual failing match scores, or the search engine may decide not to match by major at all. In such case try decreasing importance for all filters except Program & Majors. Once you set up all the filters that you need, decide how important is each filter. You can minimize each filter and just move importance sliders.

A: The numbers (for example, 20 to 95) mean that we will try to find colleges where your scores will fit into that percentile range of reported school scores. Moving the bounds up, for example moving top bound 95 to 100 will include more schools with lower reported scores. And moving the bounds down will include more colleges with higher reported scores. If your scores are too high, then we suggest moving the top bound to 100.

A: No. We prefer use both SAT scores as they allow us to perform better matching. However, there are colleges, which may report only ACT cumulative score. If you input only SAT scores, then we have to convert them into ACT and the quality of the match falls

A: This is not a bug. Where it makes sense, we pre-fill some information and that makes search engine remove some schools. Such filters are always shown with impotance slider opened.